Who and How Will All This Be Done?

54% of companies already post videos on their websites. There are even platforms emerging for creating video landing pages, which convert traffic into purchases much better than regular sites. But who will create awesome videos for all these websites and landing pages? And here we realize that this is a huge and promising topic to dive into right now. For instance, in this particular way.


We all shoot videos on our phones. But these clips are not always masterpieces 😉 Although editing makes the video recordings masterpieces — when the most successful pieces are cut out from the original raw material, combined in the right sequence, and effects are applied on top. This process is called “post-production” (postproduction). This process is quite complex, and is handled by specially trained professionals using special platforms and tools.

The startup Strada managed to raise 2 million dollars in investments a year before the planned launch of one of such platforms—because the explosive growth of video content on the internet has necessitated the emergence of simpler, cheaper, and more convenient tools for video processing.

But do we all want to become professional video processors, mastering essentially a new profession and paying for the respective tools? Of course not! So what should we do if we want to create video masterpieces — which we’re not ashamed to share with others for fame or money? 😉

Storimake promises to “turn your video content into memorable videos”.

And with other people’s hands 😉 Because Storimake is a marketplace where we can find freelancers ready to professionally process our videos for reasonable money and in reasonable time.

First, we need to collect all the raw material in one place — separate video clips from which we want to create one masterpiece.

Then specify the desired length of the finished clip.

Then set the desired emotional style — serious, romantic, funny, inspiring, or some other.

Then separately record the accompanying text we want to overlay on the finished video.

Then upload or choose from the offered catalog a musical track under which the action on the video will unfold.

And send all this stuff to the freelancer found and selected on the Storimake marketplace. Materials should be uploaded to your personal account on the same platform, where all your projects will be stored — both in-progress and already completed.

There is also a chat on the platform where you can send the freelancer wishes for the sent order and give feedback on the draft clips received from them — until in such a collaborative mode you finally get what you wanted to see as a result.

Clips can be anything — family videos, videos for your personal blog, promotional videos for your business, videos for a corporate site, and much more.

Prices for creating clips of different lengths, types, and formats are known in advance. Each freelancer has their own price list and portfolio with finished works — so you can search and choose the most suitable option.

StoriMake itself earns commissions from completed orders.

Now the startup has raised 875 thousand euros in investments, thus bringing the total investment in the project to 1.4 million euros.

What’s interesting

In 2022, video traffic accounted for more than 65% of all internet traffic, dozens of times overtaking the traffic on marketplaces, gaming servers, and social networks.

And it’s not just because people are getting stuck in online cinemas or TikTok. But because people are increasingly recording and posting videos in the “stories” format. And businesses are increasingly posting videos on their sites.

Already, 54% of business websites have videos showcasing their products.

Even startups are emerging with platforms allowing the creation of specialized video format landing pages for online stores, significantly engaging users and increasing conversions from visits to purchases, including Viddy, Kahani, and Fibr.

Videobot decided to create video format chatbots. Unravel, another notable example, crafted a TikTok-style travel booking site where startup partnered bloggers share short videos about interesting places to visit.

For such video landings, chatbots, and video advertising, mastering the art of creating “masterpiece” videos is crucial, which result not from masterpiece shootings, but from masterpiece editing and processing 😉

Blended Sense, a startup took an interesting approach to this theme. They created a marketplace where local businesses can find local freelancers who can easily come and shoot videos for advertising on the spot.

However, the video material shot by local freelancers is then handed over to the startup’s specialists (or separately hired freelancers) who handle the editing and processing to create “masterpiece” videos. In other words, local freelancers can be trusted to shoot the raw footage, but creating a sweet treat from the raw material should be handled by separate and special people.

Storimake operates in the same paradigm, helping us create a sweet treat from the raw material shot by us or people we engage. And it is already becoming in demand. With the increasing popularity and amount of video content on the internet, the demand will grow even more.

Where to Run

Who will be creating good videos for such landing pages?

As a hypothesis, one could organize a marketplace of bloggers who would create engaging videos for online stores—earning money not from creating the videos, but from a percentage of sales made through these videos.

I wonder, will these bloggers process the filmed material themselves or will they pass it on for processing to platforms like Storimake? 😉

Either way, a general direction of movement emerges—creating services and platforms that help businesses create, record, and process videos for placement in their advertising, on social networks, on landing pages, in product catalogs, and so on.

Whether these will be full-cycle services or marketplaces for performing individual types of work like today’s Storimake is still a question. But the fact that the growth of this direction will soon be explosive seems obvious.

So, it’s essential to get involved in this theme from some angle—while the competition here hasn’t gone wild. How exactly and with what would you get into this?

About the Company

Storimake Website: storimake.com
Last Round: €875K, 13.09.2023
Total Investments: €1.4M, rounds: 3

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